Letters of Support

2015 & 2014

2013 & 2012

All public official quotes contained on this website are related to a TIGER Grant application by the Town of Secaucus.
Bill Pascrell, Jr
Albio Sires
Robert Menendez
Catalyst for Growth
Site 15X represents one of the most valuable economic development sites in New Jersey and the broader region. It is uniquely positioned in terms of transportation, accessibility, particular public transportation accessibilty.
“It is estimated that annual spending in New Jersey by convention center attendees at the new facility and hotel would total $399.3 million.” – Dr. Joseph J. Seneca & Dr. James W. Hughes
“This is the result of substantial public transit infrastructure investments made over the past decade. These investments have made 15X a premier location to implement the State’s “Smart Growth” plan of placing high density and high end land use activities at points of high public transit accessibility. – Dr. Joseph J. Seneca & Dr. James W. Hughes